Thursday, May 24, 2007

Boo Hiss Stoopid Day

The header says it all. In the interest of full disclosure, I woke up cranky. I don't know why. And before anyone asks, not that anyone I know would be tacky enough to ask that, but no, it has nothing to do with monthly cycles. It's just a general not-good, bad sort of cranky. That happens sometimes on account of I am human.

I had some problems with the shared drive on my network this morning. When I called tech support, I got one of those I-Know-Computers-And-You-Don't-And-Are-Therefore-Useless, supercilious, condescending jerk tech types. I hate when the tech guys are like that. I'm already feeling a bit helpless and frustrated and then they come in with their nose all up in the air and crinkly like they're smelling something unpleasant. Big freakin' meanies. But he did fix my drive and restore my files. That should make me considerably more cheerful, don't you think? Well, it doesn't. 'Cause I'm cranky.

I miss my tech person from when I worked at the beauty supply distributor. Well, not 100% miss him, because we actually are quite good friends and still keep in touch on a weekly basis. And he did give me a hard time when I made a stupid O.E. But he didn't have a superiority complex because he knew more about computers than me. He has a superiority complex for other reasons. Kidding. Actually, he's a wonderful person and I tease only because I love.

It's been really busy at work lately and I'm a little overwhelmed. Our new person started on Monday, but the poor woman has had to divide her time between her old job in another department (same office, though) and this one all week. There is nothing fun about that. She's so stressed out that I feel kind of guilty for complaining about how I'm stressed out. Yet still I crank.

It's a shame I'm not big on lots of booze, 'cause I could really go for a Texas sized magarita right now. My friend Yalayla, who's all that and a bag of chips and salsa, likes to call me when she's really stressed out and have a virtual margarita. All we do is pretend we're drinking and then say outrageously silly and ridiculous things and then laugh and laugh and laugh as if what we were saying was actually funny, even though it is, in fact, profoundly unfunny. Good times. You might have had to actually be there.

I guess I should end this brief blogging break (hey, that's a really good tongue twister--say it three times fast!!) and return to my regular work schedule.

Gotta say, I'm really cranky about that.


Faith said...

Sorry about the superior computer geek type person. And sorry you're having a stoopid day too.

Why aren't you in Spain with me?

Izzybella said...

Okay, I'm in Spain now.

Spin_Doc1 said...

You should try real drinking, it helps.

Izzybella said...

Hey, Spin. Not drinking is a holdover from being a Mormon. I've never been in the habit and when I started questioning everything I never quite lost that particular trait.

Those few times in my life I've been good and truly smashed, I did something incredibly stupid which I wound up regretting (and at least one thing which I profoundly regret and will not be writing about in my blog). And since it doesn't take much--cheap drunk here--I generally avoid altogether.