Thursday, May 10, 2007

Got Tagged

Chauceriangirl tagged me. I did one of these not too long ago, but it was six things instead of seven. So, here are 7 things you probably don't know about me unless you answer to the name Chauceriangirl, in which case you know all.

1. Lots of people will tell you they love the smell of freshly-cut grass, cookies baking, etc. And I do love those smells, but I also love the smell of gasoline and cigars (not together actually). They're both strong sense memories for me. When I was in high school my boyfriend drove a Honda Interceptor motorcycle--we used to go all over the city and up into the canyons on that bike on a weekly basis. I loved the feeling of sitting on the back, my arms wrapped around him tightly and the wind whipping through my hair (yep, no helmet, I was stupid) probably about as much as my mother hated the idea of me on the back of a 16-year old boy's motorbike. The cigars just remind me of my grandfather. He smoked swisher sweets and they smelled so fragrant before he lit them up. Lit up, though, they smelt rank. Even so, I can always tell by the smell if someone is smoking a swisher sweet and it always makes me think of him.

2. If I had a million dollars, I truly would not buy an expensive and fancy car. I genuinely can't fathom spending large sums of money on something which will depreciate the moment I drive it off the lot. On the other hand, I totally would blow a wad on world travel.

3. I talk a big game about being assertive and taking care of business, but when push comes to shove, I avoid conflict like nobody's beeswax. Unless I'm good and truly angry, in which case I wind up saying things for which I'm apologizing an hour later. I could probably use an assertiveness training or something.

4. Large groups of people freak me out. The larger the group, the more nervous I get.

5. I am currently working on a planning committee for a conference for kids aging out of foster care. I've just found out that I'm required to stay in the dorms-excuse me, RESIDENCE HALLS, as the university contact. I've complained loudly about that, but the truth is that I'm sort of looking forward to it. I never did the dorm thing in college and I feel like I'll be making up for something I lost. The best part is that it's only for 2 days, and I have a feeling the first day will be enough to make me realize how fortunate I was never to have had the full dorm experience.

6. I once had a doctor appointment, which wound up being cancelled by the doctor. Instead of going into work like I should have, I got a pedicure. Only then I felt bad about it, so I confessed to my boss. She just laughed at me.

7. I'm insanely jealous of the people who work for the Google boys, not because of the great pay, or the free haircuts, or the gourmet meals, but because they get to bring their pets to work with them. I would totally bring my dogs to work with me if I could get away with it.

There. There's seven things you may not have known.

That was hard.

1 comment:

Spin_Doc1 said...

I think the hard part would be finding things I am willing to share, there is a reason people don't know those things about me.