Monday, May 21, 2007

I Am Dua Khalil

[In April,] seventeen year old Dua Khalil was pulled into a crowd of young men, some of them (the instigators) family, who then kicked and stoned her to death. This is an example of the breath-taking oxymoron “honor killing”, in which a family member (almost always female) is murdered for some religious or ethical transgression. Dua Khalil, who was of the Yazidi faith, had been seen in the company of a Sunni Muslim, and possibly suspected of having married him or converted. That she was torturously murdered for this is not, in fact, a particularly uncommon story. But now you can watch the action up close on CNN. Because as the girl was on the ground trying to get up, her face nothing but red, the few in the group of more than twenty men who were not busy kicking her and hurling stones at her were filming the event with their camera-phones.

- Joss Whedon, on

Lexigeek, the fine graphic artist of Black Market Beagles, has created a lovely shirt, which is now available for only $5 above cost (price dependent upon style). That $5 will be donated directly to Equality Now. But if you're broke, he'll also sell them at cost. The point is to wear the shirt and start a dialogue. Get yours here.

1 comment:

Faith said...

Thank you. I just ordered mine.