Friday, May 4, 2007

I'm Being Eaten By a Boa Constrictor

That's a poem by Shel Silverstein. It's pretty funny in a profoundly creepy not-funny way, where the narrator describes being eaten by a boa constrictor from his feet all the way to his--. And then silence. Good times.

The show I'm stage managing opens tonight. Last night's rehearsal was part insane chaos of the I want to weep variety, and part inspired lunacy. This has been a tough show for all concerned, but usually the outcome is worth the headaches and trauma associated with putting it all together. We rehearsed last night until 1:30 a.m. I was overjoyed to finally leave, but still encouraged by how put-together the show seemed in comparison with the rehearsal we had just two nights ago. This really is a wonderful cast and they play well together onstage. I always love watching shows where the actors aren't so much "look-at-me-look-at-me." Actors can be that way sometimes. You know when you get the impression they aren't listening to what the other characters are saying so much as just waiting for their next cue line. This cast listens to each other. It's such a joy to see how scenes change from one performance to the next based on how each actor is approaching a particular moment. That's the part of theatre I think is just freaking fun. Everything in the world should be that cool.

And having said all that, I will be so glad when this show is done. Of course, that just means on to the next one, but I do have a month in between where I get to experience this crazy little phenom called spare time. I'm looking forward to exploring the mysteries of that particular concept. I see books and movies in my future. So exciting.


Sam said...

I wish I could see the show, sounds like so much fun.
I want to thank you for all of your support, my flogger, I appreciate it more than I can say :-)

soleil said...

i wanted to tell you that j. said you were a lifesaver during this show.

hope you're feeling better.

Izzybella said...

Sam, you are welcome. You are one of my favoritest floggers ever!

Soleil, thank you for telling me that. It has been a frustrating process. I think when all is said and done, I need to come over to your peaceful place and paint or something.

soleil said...

oh yay!!! you definitely should!! we can have an art day ;D