Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Not Friday Yet?!

So far every morning this week, after waking up and moseying my way into the kitchen for breakfast, it has suddenly dawned on me, "Today is not Friday. Why does it feel like a Friday?" It truly has every morning. I wake up with that gleeful feeling that I'm about to get out of having to do something I don't want to do, which is the only way I can describe how Fridays feel to me. And then I stop and realize--no, it's Monday. Or Tuesday. Or in today's case, Wednesday. I still have a today and a Thursday before I get to Friday. It's very odd. I've thoroughly overanalyzed it and decided that it feels like Friday because I know I don't have to rehearse or run the show again. You know--that show. I feel all free and unencumbered. It's a very pleasant feeling. I highly recommend it.


Faith said...

The Friday feeling is very pleasant. I'm glad you're enjoying it all week. And just think how wonderful it will feel when it truly IS Friday!!!

Izzybella said...

I know! It'll be like double-Friday, with a side of woo-hoo.

That was very dorky, what I just said. Oh, well.

soleil said...

and you will get to go to a sleepover!
maybe that's why you think it's friday everyday. because you know it's going to be such a great day...