Friday, January 26, 2007

Theatre Thought for the Day

I got this from my friends at Momentum Theatre. I just joined the permanent ensemble and they read this at the induction ceremony, which was awesome! It pretty much expresses how I feel about theatre and what, specifically, makes it rock so hard. I especially love the "pretentious" line. It's a fault some theatre practitioners have that what they do is so unbelievably important and so unbearably beautiful, it can't be expressed in any words. I hope there are always words to express my meaning; else how do I express it? Besides there's as much value in silly plays and movies as there is in meaningful drama. For example, a good friend took me to see "There's Something About Mary" the day I started my divorce proceedings. I laughed so hard during that movie that I swallowed my coke the wrong way and blew it out of my nose. And I needed that laughter. So this is why theatre and art and music and all those things make my life better.

Theatre come to my rescue!
I am asleep, wake me.
I am lost in the dark, guide me, at least towards a candle.
I am lazy, shame me.
I am tired, raise me up.
I am indifferent, strike me.
I remain indifferent, beat me up.
I am afraid, encourage me.
I am ignorant, teach me.
I am monstrous, make me human.
I am pretentious, make me die of laughter.
I am cynical, take me down a peg.
I am foolish, transform me.
I am wicked, punish me.
I am dominating and cruel, fight against me.
I am pedantic, make fun of me.
I am vulgar, elevate me.
I am mute, untie my tongue.
I no longer dream, call me a coward or a fool.
I have forgotten, throw memory in my face.
I feel old and stale, make the child in me leap up.
I am heavy, give me music.
I am sad, bring me joy.
I am deaf, make pain shriek like a storm.
I am agitated, let wisdom rise within me.
I am weak, kindle friendship.
I am blind, summon all the lights.
I am dominated by ugliness, bring in conquering beauty.
I have been recruited by hatred, unleash all forces of love.

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