Thursday, January 18, 2007


I typed up a nice friendly little post yesterday on my excruciatingly slow home Internet connection and just when I clicked on "Publish," Blogger gave me a big ole' error message and told me to get lost. So I grumbled and then I decided to get lost on account of the excruciatingly slow home Internet connection.

So not much happened this week. It was very busy at work, but co-worker is back today (and her grand-daughter is much better), so hopefully things will slow down a little. I had yesterday off. It was a snow day. For a half-inch of snow. I'm two minds about this. The first tends to want to justify the snow day. You see, the half-inch of snow covered a layer of ice, and Texans have no clue how to drive on snow and ice. We don't get it often enough. And there were plenty of car-wrecks in North Texas. The other mind is all "We had a snow day. For a half-inch of snow." It is kind of a little sad and wimpy.

I wasn't complaining though. Day off=happiness. I was a little concerned at first we wouldn't even get it. The president of the university I work for is from the north. He's pretty much of only one mind about snow days for a half-inch of snow, and it's not favorable. By the time 6:30 a.m. came and went without word of the school's closure, I dragged myself out of bed and took a shower, muttering "Damn Yankee" under my breath. But when I got out of the shower, the university closure was scrolling across the bottom of the television screen. So that's all good.

Have lots to do now. Must go and do it.

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