Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Mint & Peanut Butter Don't Mix

I have a candy jar at my desk filled with peppermints given me by a co-worker the week before Christmas. I received a few peanut butter kisses from a theatre buddy and instead of eating them right away, I added them to my candy jar. This morning I thought "mmm, chocolate." So I pulled a peanut butter kiss out of the candy jar and ate it, only to discover the minty goodness of the mints tried marrying the chocolatey peanut butter. Turns out to be a very bad and unhealthy relationship. I'm just saying. There's a reason they don't make Reese's Peanut Butter Mint Cups.

It's really busy at work today. Was busy yesterday too. And yet here I am, writing on my blog. Why, you ask? May I quote Ron Weasley, who when asked by Hermione why he missed Snape's mention of polyjuice potion during class, replied, "Do you think I have anything better to do in Potions than listen to Snape?" Hee. That made me giggle. I'm "reading" Harry Potter in the car on my drive to and from work. I used to be kind of a book snob with a firm belief that books on tape is cheating. I've come around to a more flexible point-of-view since then. Someone gave me "Of Mice and Men" read by Gary Sinise, and I absolutely loved it. I'll always prefer reading to being read to, but I'm way nicer in traffic jams now that I have a constant source of amusement. Besides the voice acting on the Harry Potter CDs is wonderful. My sister was just saying the other day that she hates Umbridge even more the way Jim Dales reads her. That's saying a lot because I know for a fact that during her first read-through she yelled at Umbridge and called her many rude names.

Okay. Work. Guess I must. My co-worker's granddaughter is extremely ill and so she hasn't been in the office. This pretty much doubles my workload. I worked straight through lunch yesterday and today looks to be skewing the same direction. Sigh. Could be worse. I actually do like my job.


Spin_Doc1 said...

I need to get to the library and check out a book on tape. I love to drive when I have a good book in the car, and hate to drive any other time.

Sam said...

Mint & pb? EWWWWWWW
Well, here's to better days and alcohol haze! lol