Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Tis the Season-

for too many office parties!

Between today and tomorrow, I'll have attended three office parties--one for the entire school, one for my specific department, and one for the theatre I work at part-time. Of the three, the theatre party is best, because (1), I'm not required to cook--the other two parties are potluck, but this one is being held at a local Italian restaurant--and (2), because the gift exchange is limited to less than $5 and the gift itself is required to be obscenely tacky, yet not necessarily obscene. Always good fun. I bought a hand-held disco ball with rotating lights. It's the cheesiest thing I've ever seen, and I wouldn't have found at all were it not for chaucerian girl, who possesses an uncanny knack for finding the tacky. Please don't misunderstand. Chaucerian girl is in NO WAY tacky herself, but she's definitely quirky, and she's a class-A shopper. Seriously. Girl has talent.

The theatre party is tonight--the department party is tomorrow afternoon. They've themed it as an "international" potluck, and I drew Italian. In and of itself, this is not so bad. I like Italian food, but I don't cook Italian food. Or food in general. The reason for this is that I'm a terrible cook. To quote the divine Ms. C, "I don't cook-I stir." I can make dip. I do okay at reheating things which have already been cooked. I make a mean boxed macaroni and cheese; and I can heat up a frozen dinner like nobody's business. The only type of food I actually prepare, as well as make, is soup. I make really good soups and chowders. I just have to be in the mood to make them, and honestly, I'm just not. I've decided, therefore, to visit my local Whole Foods Market and buy something Italian there. I'm supposed to include a recipe for whatever I bring, so I was thinking I'd just give everyone a copy of the Mapquest map with directions from the university to Whole Foods.

Okay, logging off now. Many fine parties to prepare for. That trek to Whole Foods is gonna take some serious energy...


Spin_Doc1 said...

I don't cook either and I do buy a great side dish. Everyone knows about my cooking so I usually get to bring plates and cupt.

Izzybella said...

Yes, I too have purchased many cups and plates and napkins and other non-cooked type goods for parties. Only way to go.